来る2024.11.5 火曜日の 来る大統領選挙
さらに賭けサイト ポリマーケットでの勝者予想もトランプ66.6% ハリス33.1%とダブルスコアになっていること
賭け金を没収されないように 賭けの参加者はあらゆる資料から勝利者を推測している
思えば トランプの暗殺未遂が大きな転機になった
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が まるで 彼の支持者にとっては ドラクロワの 自由の女神にダブって見えるらしい
posted by 美容外科医ジョニー Plastic Surgeon Johnny at 01:22| フランクフルト | Comment(0)
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| 国際政治/世界経済
スウィング ステート(アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙の勝者総取り方式において、共和党・民主党の支持率が拮抗し選挙の度に勝利政党が変動する州)7州 アリゾナ州、ジョージア州、ミシガン州、ネバ. ダ州、ノースカロライナ州、ペンシルベニア州、ウィスコンシン州のすべてで
内気でトランプ支持 と公言できない、いわゆる隠れトランプが多いので 実際の投票では トランプはハリスに圧勝するのではないか
との予測がアメリカの調査機関 マスコミで多くなってきた
ロシアは ウクライナとの現状固定での戦争終結を公言するトランプの再選は願ってもないこと
中国は 台湾の武力併合は当分見合わせだろう
posted by 美容外科医ジョニー Plastic Surgeon Johnny at 10:51| フランクフルト | Comment(0)
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| 国際政治/世界経済
CAUTION GRAFFIC Christian girl publicly executed by Bharatiya Janata Party 13 JUN 2023
Shocking footage of Kuki Christian girl being attacked and shot dead in manipur This is sickening and sad truth of how Manipur is changing under the rule of a fascist government This is the dictatorship of the Bharatiya Janata Party If we don't agree, another nation could be born tomorrow.
in detail
In Manipur state in northeastern India, violence against the Kuki tribe, which is predominantly Christian, has intensified since May despite military intervention. The conflict has claimed eight more lives recently and injured 29 people.
As of early September, 131 Kuki Christian people have been killed, and over 200 villages and 360 churches have been burned or destroyed. According to an English news site called “The Print,” the recent clashes occurred near the border between Bishnupur district, where the majority-Hindu Meitei people live, and Churachandpur district, where the Kuki people live.
Four people from each tribe were killed in the recent violence. Kuki leaders told the US Christian media “Christian Post” that Meitei people are only killed when they invade Kuki areas and start life-threatening attacks. The court has ordered the Manipur government to extend special economic benefits and allocations that were previously reserved for the Kuki minority to the Meitei majority, causing controversy.
The court’s order also includes granting Meitei people the right to purchase land in the hilly areas where Kuki people live. The Indian government has deployed about 50,000 troops, armed police, and security personnel to strengthen security in buffer zones between tribes. However, despite these measures, rioters have looted more than 4,000 guns and over 500,000 rounds of ammunition from state police in Manipur.
posted by 美容外科医ジョニー Plastic Surgeon Johnny at 17:49| フランクフルト | Comment(0)
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| 国際政治/世界経済