NYTimes: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Win Easily in New York
速報 ニューヨーク州でそれぞれ現在 実施されている、アメリカ共和党 と民主党 それぞれの大統領選挙の予備選挙で 共和党は 放言王 トランプ氏 民主党は クリントン女史が それぞれ圧勝し、本選への地固めをおこなった
カツラの不動産王は 二位以下を大きく引き離す、得票率6割の完勝
ガラスの天井を訴え、婦人票を集める元国務長官は 社会主義者の爺さんに 15ポイントの差をつける圧勝
共和党は 主流派の、放言王への拒否感が強く、このままでは 共和党員で 選挙に行かない人が続出
Donald J. Trump wrested back control of the Republican presidential race on Tuesday with a commanding victory in the New York primary, while Hillary Clinton dealt a severe blow to Senator Bernie Sanders as she won her adopted home state with powerful support from women and blacks.
トランプは19火のNY 共和党予備選で圧勝 ヒラリークリントン氏は黒人と婦人の強力な援護でサンダース氏を一撃
The Queens-born, Manhattan-made Mr. Trump, who campaigned vigorously for a huge vote total to revive his political fortunes, drew support from majorities of nearly every demographic group across the state, according to exit polls by Edison Research.
出口調査によるとクイーンズ生まれ マンハッタンで成り上がったトランプはNY州を横断する、あらゆる階層の支持を集めている
By routing his opponents, Mr. Trump improved his chances of winning the Republican nomination by expanding his sizable delegate lead over Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Gov. John Kasich of Ohio led Mr. Cruz for a distant second place.
トランプはテキサス州のクルーズ上院議員へのリードをさらに拡げ NYでの選挙結果では オハイオ州知事のKasichが2位で クルーズ氏をリード
Mr. Trump seemed like a different man as he claimed victory in the lobby of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan. There were no freewheeling presentations of steaks and bottled water, as in the past. There was no reference to “Lyin’ Ted” or “Crooked Hillary”; he called his opponent “Senator Cruz” instead, and made no mention of Mrs. Clinton. He also took no questions from the news media.
無料の飲食はなく うそつきクルーズとか 歪んだヒラリー などの発言もなく 上院議員のクルーズ氏と呼び クリントン婦人への言及はなかった
And his speech sounded more presidential than any other he has given on an election night − a focused, tightened message about trade and the economy as he prepares to campaign in states hit hard by manufacturing industry losses. The speech reflected the growing influence of Paul Manafort, whom Mr. Trump empowered to help him win the nomination and who has taken on a greater purview, including messaging.
“Our jobs are being sucked out of our states,” Mr. Trump said at the outset. “One of the big problems is economy and jobs, and that is my wheelhouse.” He said, twice, that he was going to get up and go back to work for the nomination on Wednesday morning, a clear message about the intensity he is bringing to the fight.
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