Woodpecker shown flying with weasel on its back in amateur photographer's amazing image
It was a sunny afternoon, with the occasional cloud making the Hornchurch Country Park seem that grey brown dull winter colour even though it was the 2nd March.
My wife, Ann, and I had gone for a walk. I had hoped that she might see a green woodpecker as she has not really seen one before.
As we walked we heard a distressed squawking and I saw that flash of green. So hurriedly I pointed out to Ann the bird and it settled into the grass behind a couple of small silver birch trees. Both of us trained our binoculars and it occurred that the woodpecker was unnaturally hopping about like it was treading on a hot surface. Lots of wing flapping showing that gloriously yellow/white colour interspersed with the flash of red head feathers. Just after I switched from my binoculars to my camera the bird flew across us and slightly in our direction; suddenly it was obvious it had a small mammal on its back and this was a struggle for life.
The woodpecker landed in front of us and I feared the worst. I guess though our presence, maybe 25 metres away, momentarily distracted the weasel. The woodpecker seized the opportunity and flew up and away into some bushes away to our left. Quickly the bird gathered its self respect and flew up into the trees and away from our sight.
The woodpecker left with its life, the weasel just disappeared into the long grass, hungry.
Le-May said he hoped his picture would inspire others to venture out of their local green area and get snapping.
Last updated Tue 3 Mar 2015
一家で2015年3月2日 近所の公園にでかけた私は 草むらのなかから 尋常ではない 鳥の悲鳴を聞きつけた
そのうち 自分の方向に 緑と赤の2色の鳥 ウッドペッカー (キツツキ)となにやら 茶色の塊を背中に乗せて 低空で飛来してくる
わたしたちは 双眼鏡ではじめ この光景を眺めていたが 急遽 カメラを手にこの光景を撮像した
哀れなキツツキはもう一巻の終わり かと思っていたが 最後の力を振り絞り 背中のイタチを振り落としたようだ
鳥は 茂みに飛び去り ハラペコのイタチも草むらに走り去った