
Nippon Ishin pledges to clarify historical facts


その事実を曲げることを公約にかかげる、日本維新の会 別称 日本慰安婦友の会  

周囲の説得で維新の会の代表、橋下氏は『慰安婦は軍隊に必要』との自説を訂正してみせたが 本心は変わらず だろう


現在も売春街の顧問弁護士だった!(週刊文春)http://shukan.bunshun.jp/articles/-/2844 とのトンデモ情報も


こんな「人身売買」を肯定する法律家に 横暴な法律から国民を守る、最後の砦 日本国憲法の、その条項の改正方法を規定した第96条の改悪 をさせてはならない

もう彼についての話題は yesterday's news にすぎないのだ


Nippon Ishin pledges to ‘clarify historical facts’
JUN 28, 2013

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) unveiled a set of policy pledges Thursday for the Upper House election next month, including a promise to push for decentralization of government power and revise the postwar Constitution.

The right-leaning party led by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto and former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara also vowed to “clarify historical facts” on the “comfort women” military brothel system and “protect the dignity and honor of Japan and the Japanese people.”

In May, Hashimoto caused a major uproar by saying the comfort woman system was necessary for Japanese forces during the war. Now the party is trying to tone down the controversy for the upcoming campaign.

“We’d like to appeal (to voters) mainly by advocating administrative reforms,” policy chief Hitoshi Asada said at a news conference in Tokyo.

Nippon Ishin retained most of its policy pledges from the December Lower House election, including a promise to reorganize prefectures into larger and more powerful regional states and introducing a system allowing voters to determine the prime minister via a national election.

Nippon Ishin vows to equalize the financial burden in the public medical insurance system, with participants paying according to income instead of age. Under current rules, people aged 70 and older pay much less than younger people.

“We’d like to attach more importance to (young) working generations,” said Hiroshi Nakada, Nippon Ishin’s deputy policy chief.

In its platform adopted in March, Nippon Ishin said it would push for “drastically revising the Occupation Constitution,” which was drawn up by the U.S.-led Allied forces after Japan’s surrender in World War II.

But in its latest pledges, Nippon Ishin, like the Liberal Democratic Party, only said it wants to revise Article 96 and make it easier to get constitutional amendments through the Diet before voters make the final call.

Many pledges lack details on how they would be achieved.


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