

Jim Rogers: Yen's 'Collapse Very Dangerous'

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 10:51 AM
By Dan Weil

2013年5月22日 伝説の投資家 Jim Rogersが自身の円相場の予測と日本株の仕手戦への考え方を語っている

「1ドル103円と 4年でいちばんの下落まであっという間だった このことは決してよいことではないし たいへん危険な動きだ」 と Jim Rogers



果たせるかな 現在の株価と円の値動きは まるで尾翼を失った旅客機のように不安定で急激な上昇と下降を繰りかえし 予測不可能になっている

こんまま1億2千の国民を乗せたまま墜落するのか軟着陸させるのか 世界中のエコノミストが世紀の大実験を固唾を呑んで見守っている


それどころか ジョニは安倍さんの経済政策だけは評価している


安倍さんは 出来る範囲でベストに近い経済政策を実施、実に良くがんばってる 


The dollar hit a four-year high of 103.31 yen Friday, and legendary investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, doesn't think that's a good thing.

"The [yen], which is one of the major currencies of the world, has collapsed 27 percent in no time," Rogers told Yahoo. "It's a very, very dangerous move."

「1ドル103円と 4年でいちばんの下落まであっという間だった このことは決してよいことではないし たいへん危険な動きだ」 と伝説の投資家 Jim Rogers

The yen has dropped as Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pursued fiscal stimulus and appointed a central bank governor willing to implement a massive easing program.

"[Abenomics] has made the stock market go up quite a lot, it's been dramatic, but it's made the currency collapse
," Rogers explained.

The Nikkei 225 Stock Index has jumped nearly 80 percent over the last year, and Rogers says he's not going to "jump on the bus."

"I still own Japanese shares, I sold some last week, not all, but some," he noted.
氏は「先週 日本株の一部を売ったが 全部を売り抜けたわけではないよ」と言う

"If [Japanese equities] drop down for some reason conceivably I would buy them back, but I don't know what would make them go down though because there's money printing everywhere. ... This is causing stock markets around the world to be very artificially inflated."

Some experts think the injection of monetary and fiscal stimulus is exactly what Japan's economy needs. "This is Japan's best chance in 20 years to escape from its deflationary mind-set," Hajime Takata, chief economist at Mizuho Research Institute in Tokyo, told The New York Times.

Rogers disagrees. "I know the government is reporting that [the yen's] move is good, but I don't trust governments," he said.


ロジャー氏は「日本政府が『円の値動きは良好だ』と伝えてきているが わたしは日本政府を信用していない」と語る

"One hundred twenty-five million Japanese [stand to lose the most] because of inflation. Everything Japan imports is going to go up dramatically in price. ...

1億2500人の日本人はインフレで経済的な被害を被り 日本に輸入される、すべての物資は急激に値上げされる

The Japanese will suffer, but ... stockbrokers will do better, currency traders will do better."


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