

スマホの普及に伴い、facebook などで想いもよらない自分の顔が瞬時にネットでアップされる時代になった

みんなで集まって騒いだときや 職場でのビア・パーティーなどで撮像された自分の顔,があまりにも老けてたらショックだ

ってことで今アメリカでは中高年の 二重アゴのラインを除去する整容手術が盛んなのだとか


日本では 口腔の内側から粘膜を切開して円形のアゴ出しプロテーゼを挿入 とくに若い女性に需要が多い

アメリカでは アゴの外側から切開で馬蹄形のプロテーゼをを挿入 中高年の男性にも人気
アゴの外側から切開できるのは 切開創がすぐに アゴのたるみでカモフラージュされやすいためだろう

日本では中高年に アゴの整形インプラントは決してはやらないだろう
人種の違いなのか 中年肥りしても 二重アゴになりずらいので

日本でのアゴのインプラントの代表例は AKB48 板野友美 5頭身の顔デカ 横からみるとツタンカーメンの黄金マスク


 鼻プロテーゼとヒアルロン酸注入が丸わかり の横顔










Move Over Breasts, Chinplants are What's Hot

In the world of plastic surgery, vanity is a fickle muse. One day it’s breast implants, next its liposuction, then Botox, then it’s chinplants. Chinplants?

That’s right, chins are the new breasts. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, surgical procedures that enhance the chin increased 71 percent between 2010 and 2011, outpacing breast augmentation, liposuction and Botox combined.

Granted, the big three have been around a long time while chinplants are relatively new on the scene. Even still, the sharp increase makes me wonder if chins have been neglected all these years while lower bodily portions hoarded all the attention. Perhaps their time is due.

Both men and women seem to think so, because the wave of new surgeries is evenly split between the sexes. The procedure to receive your new chin is not much different than breast augmentation: the surgeon cuts a small incision below the chin and inserts a rubbery implant. And best of all, the surgery is reversible.

So why chins all of a sudden? Plastic surgeon and Columbia University professor Darrick Antell, interviewed on the Today Show, explains that the over 40 crowd is leading the charge:

The biggest jump was in people over 40, which is the point where people are bridging the gap between youthfulness and middle age,” says Antell. “They’re getting loose skin under the jaw line and a chin implant can make an immediate improvement.”

But that’s not the only reason:

“People have cameras everywhere,” Antell says. “You can be at a wedding at the buffet table and a moment later see pictures of your double chin on Facebook. We’re a much more image-driven society than we were even five years ago.”

So there you have it − social media is driving trends in plastic surgery.

If you’re not into having your chin sliced open, you can opt for Restylane treatment instead, which involves having hyaluronic acid filler injected into your chin zone. Or you can just stick with the chin you have and move on with your life.


fickle: easily changeable

liposuction: picking up lipid under skin with a vacuum pomp
Botox:trade name for botulinum toxin used for erasing facial wrincles

posted by 美容外科医ジョニー Plastic Surgeon Johnny at 17:26| 東京 ☁| Comment(0) | 美容外科 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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